Sunday, December 26, 2004

new year lurking around the corner


Well in five days it will be 2005. Hopefully, it will be full of creativity, good moments for all of us and a few extra $$ in our pockets to keep us afloat. Any good luck traditions for the New Year? I don't know about good luck, but I like to mega purge. Nothing escapes. If it is taking up space out it goes, no matter how attached I may be to it. The feeling of less clutter on Jan. 1 makes me feel better. I'm hoping in the New Year that humans are a little less violent and a little more compassionate with others.

Does anyone have something they are hoping to do in the New Year? Let me rephrase that.
What will you be doing in 2005?

The top things I will be doing in 2005 are:

1. Write
2. Travel
3. Vision plus Action = REALITY
4. Strengthen and Create opportunities for Latinos in the Arts
5. More RISK
6. Develop new skills in writing & public relations
7. Organize more
8. Be more vocal
9. Be more proactive
10.Spend more time with people
11.Listen when the Universe is talking instead of interrupting
12.Read more
13.Generate more creativity
14.Cut down even more on spending (except on coffee/wine/books/music/artwork/stamps/toner)
15.FOCUS on the present

Well this list is a start. I'm sure I will be adding to this list. Let's see where I am in 2006.


AnalisaGuzman said...

1) Getting in shape.

That will be the resolution for the year. I made 13 last year and I felt a little too much pressure. Although I accomplished two biggies last year!

But I am going to keep it to one mega resolution and 3 or 4 tiny ones. hehehehehe.

I like your resolutions. They are doable.

Aleksu said...

I really really need to get myself to get rid of so many little things that crowd my living quarters.

This year there is but one goal, go back to my family.

Diana said...

Blex what are you doing now to get rid of the clutter and getting back to your family? Analisa, what are you doing now to get in shape? Let's go both of you CHOP CHOP!!

Aleksu said...

Getting rid of the clutter is part of going back to my town.

I already started, I threw away all my TIME magazines that I was collecting for some odd reason.

Diana said...

did you save the George Bush Time;)?

Aleksu said...

That one I framed.
